
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Santa Clause & St. Nicholas Connection

The history of Saint Nicholas is a colorful and storied one: he lived from 270 to December 6, 343 AD, was the Greek Bishop of Myra - located in modern day Turkey - and he was a Christian saint known for his miracles and secret gift-giving. Saint Nicholas attended the First Council of Nicaea, which was the first effort to attain consensus in the Church through an assembly representing all of Christendom. Later on Saint Nicholas became an important figure for Italians and Greeks, honored in the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church. Throughout Europe he is celebrated for his generosity, especially towards children. Next Sunday evening, December 5, the Dutch will celebrate their feast of Sint Nicolaas, with poems, marzipan, ginger biscuits and hot chocolate, and with presents for the children.

In the Netherlands, Saint Nicholas became a figure of folklore, who would visit the Netherlands every November traveling by steamboat from Spain, riding a white horse and joined by.... 

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving with Johnny Cash

While today Thanksgiving is being celebrated in the United States, everyone, Americans and also others around the world, could give thanks to the positives in their lives: from appreciating the small things, to being grateful for one's challenges; from being thankful to be alive, to breathing fresh air; from having family and friends to having access to technology, such as cars, cell phones and the internet; from being able to be entertained and inspired by art, movies, books and sports, to see the seasons changing, and much more.

In these bizarre and difficult times, or especially in these times it is even more important to be grateful and show appreciation for what one does have, and realize that we take many good things for granted. 

Listen above to what legendary country and western singer, Johnny Cash, once said and sings about the importance of Thanksgiving.

On behalf of Cosimo, Happy Thanksgiving!