
Monday, November 13, 2023

The 60th Anniversary of the Greatest Conspiracy Theory: JFK's Assasination


The U.S. has a rich history of conspiracy theories ranging from Watergate to attempts to assinate former Cuban President Castro, from Project MKUltra to the 9/11 attacks. However, at the upcoming 60th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 it is this dramatic event that stands out as the mother of all conspiracy theories. 

Therefore, as the 60th anniversary of this assasination approaches, we dwell on one of the most mysterious events in American history, and present Trauma Room One: The JFK Medical Coverup Exposed by Charles A. Crenshaw with a foreword by famed Holywood director Oliver Stone.

In this gripping account, Dr. Charles Crenshaw, one of the Dallas surgeons who worked on JFK in Trauma Room One, shares what really happened within those walls.

In November of 1963, the doctors who tried to save President John F. Kennedy at Parkland Hospital agreed - either out of respect or fear -not to publish what they have seen, heard, or felt. But in 1990, Charles Crenshaw stepped forward and decided.....

St. Nicholas - Dutch Folklore and Santa Claus

Next month, Tuesday December 5, the Dutch will celebrate their feast of Sint Nicolaas, with poems, marzipan, ginger biscuits, hot chocolate, and with presents for the children.

The history of Saint Nicholas is a colorful and storied one: he lived from 270 to December 6, 343 AD, was the Greek Bishop of Myra - located in modern day Turkey - and he was a Christian saint known for his miracles and secret gift-giving. Saint Nicholas attended the First Council of Nicaea, which was the first effort to attain consensus in the Church through an assembly representing all of Christendom. Later on Saint Nicholas became an important figure for Italians and Greeks, honored in the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church. Throughout Europe he is celebrated for his generosity, especially towards children.

In the Netherlands, Saint Nicholas became a figure of folklore, who would visit the Netherlands every November traveling by steamboat from Spain, riding a white horse and joined by....