Happy birthday to Theodore Roosevelt! In honor of the birth of the United States 26th President and author, explorer, soldier, naturalist, and reformer, Cosimo would like to highlight some of his classic books.
A Book-Lover's Holidays in the Open
As much a symbol of the nation's adventurous past as he was the very picture of booming 20th-century progress, Theodore Roosevelt, politician and soldier, naturalist and historian, was still a young man when he left the Oval Office, and he spent the decade after his presidency exploring the world -- and sharing his experiences in his inimitable prose. In this 1916 book, he leads us: on a cougar hunt on the rim of the Grand Canyon, trekking across the Navajo Desert, to a Hopi snake dance, across the Andes and Northern Patagonia, through bird reserves at the mouth of the Mississippi, and much more! Roosevelt's rip-roaring, real-life exploits are just as entertaining today as they were a century ago, and serve as a stirring reminder of the breathtaking beauty and lurking danger of the natural world.
Theodore Roosevelt's Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail
Before he ascended to the highest office in the land as the United States' youngest president, Theodore Roosevelt, though a New York City man born and bred, was a devotee of the Old West. In 1888, he published this charming ode to the American frontier, from the rewarding hard work of a rancher on the open plains to the pleasures of hunting the big game of mountains high. Today, the inimitable prose and infectious enthusiasm of Roosevelt's writing here serves as much to describe a unique aspect of the character of the nation as it sings an elegy for a disappearing way of life. Includes numerous illustrations by Frederic Remington.
Theodore Roosevelt's Letters to His Children
Remembered today for his expansive personality and grand sense of adventure, Theodore Roosevelt -- politician and soldier, naturalist and historian -- was also a devoted, doting father and husband. This beautiful selection of the letters he wrote to his children over the courses of their lives, as well as a few written to other correspondents about the children, reveal a man deeply in love with his family and with the joys of fatherhood. The tales of Christmases at the White House and whistle-stop tours through the American countryside offer a cozy glimpse into one of the greatest American presidencies -- and Roosevelt's tenderness with his sons and daughters as he treats them as friends, confidantes, and equals -- creates a warm and intimate portrait of one of the great American characters.
The Strenuous Life: Essays and Addresses
Of all the many sides of Theodore Roosevelt, politician and soldier, naturalist and historian, today he remains a grand symbol of booming American progress in the 20th century. Indeed, he is largely responsible for setting the nation on the course it has followed over those hundred years, as this 1904 volume handily demonstrates. This collection of speeches Roosevelt gave and essays he wrote from 1899 through 1901 illuminates his keen image of America as a nation strong of character, honest of leadership, and rich in material and moral wealth, and represents the splendid challenge he extended to the American people to match him in action and in spirit, and to create a political and social life for the country as robust as his own personal and public life was. This is, in the aggregate, a revealing picture of the character of one of the great American personalities.
Please visit our
website to view all of our books written by Theodore Roosevelt, or visit our
reports and
history sections to learn more about the politics and the past events of that time.
Happy Birthday Roosevelt!