Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cosimo’s Classic of the Month, written by one of the finest writers in the history of Spanish Language.

Saint John of the Cross was a major figure in the Catholic reformation of the 16th century. He was a passionate writer and wrote many pieces including Spiritual Canticle, The Dark Night of the Soul, and Sayings of Love and Peace.

Cosimo’s classic of the month The Living Flame of Love contains not only the poem of the same name but selected letters, poems, and writings of the 16th-century mystic. Written soon after his escape from a nine-month stint in solitary confinement, The Living Flame of Love is Saint John’s ode to the soul’s ultimate union with God. It is presented here in its entirety along with a detailed explanation of each stanza.

With 365 spiritual maxims, instructions on achieving perfection, and precautions against Satan, The Living Flame of Love is a wonderful introduction to the works of a deeply pious man, but one of the finest writers in the history of the Spanish language.

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