Saturday, January 28, 2017

January Book of the Month: Life Changes: A Guide to the Seven Stages of Personal Growth

To get those "New Year, New You" resolutions started,  pick up our January Book of the Month, Life Changes by Sabina A. Spencer and John D. Adams!

Life Changes: A Guide to the Seven Stages of Personal Growth provides those who are undergoing significant changes in their lives with an easy to follow road map of the normal ups and downs in the adjustment process. The seven stages of any transition process are described with clear advice about what to expect and, more importantly, what can be learned from each stage. Whatever the transition might be —  a new job, marriage or divorce,  or the death of a loved one — the authors point out that people can either "go" through change or they can "grow" through change. It's up to the individual.

The book also provides additional support for people making life changes, as the authors give advice on clarifying life purpose, protecting health, and maintaining balance during and after these major transitions.

About the Authors

Sabina Spencer has a PhD in Global Leadership Studies and, for the last 20 years, has been working in the areas of strategic change and inspirational leadership with some of the world's largest corporations. She runs her own consultancy and travels internationally for clients such as 3M, Exxon, Nike.

John D. Adams, Ph.D. is a professor, speaker, author, consultant, and seminar leader. He has been at the forefront of the Organization Development and Transformation profession for over 35 years. His early articulation of issues facing organizations has provided a guiding light for the evolution of organization and change management consulting. Adams currently serves as the Chair of the Organizational Systems Ph.D. Program at the Saybrook Graduate School (San Francisco), and is a guest faculty member at The Bainbridge Island Graduate Institute in the MBA in Sustainability program. He also served as editor for two seminal works, Transforming Work and Transforming Leadership, both widely held as defining a new role for the Organization Development profession in a rapidly transforming world.

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