Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Spotlight on Darwin Gillett and Building Noble Corporate Enterprises

"...This book is about how to make a business far more successful by paying attention to the inner power of people and organizations catalyzed by working toward higher, more inspiring goals and working together in a spirit of unity and connection." - Darwin Gillett's Introduction to Noble Enterprise
Darwin Gillett in action
Since its publication in 2008, Darwin Gillett's Noble Enterprise: The Commonsense Guide to Uplifting People and Profits continues to inspire corporate entities to strengthen their organizations by focusing on human capital, harnessing (and nurturing) the human spirit to create vital and thriving businesses. This revolutionary work asks people to imagine a business model centered around a "new consciousness."

Gillett argues that people crave meaningful and rewarding work, and that customers desire to do business with people and organizations of higher ethics, thus "nobility" must be added to the business world and its strategies because nobility can attract and inspire people and drive "positive change and business performance." In other words, Noble Enterprise suggests that corporate entities can be both ethical and highly successful by awakening and activating the "rich array of human energy, wisdom, passion, and purpose" of those within their organization. Noble business strategies are, in short, a means to yield both monetary and spiritual returns.

Noble Enterprise has been embraced by academics and business strategists alike; it has been used in MBA courses and executive programs at Boston College, Fordham University, and Washington University of St. Louis, and remains a "Top Business Book" pick by business thought leader and consultant John Spence. Indeed, Spence's list of the "Top 50 Business Books of All-Time" was created at the behest of Spence's MIT students, and Spence has recently stated that Noble Business is in his personal Top 10 of business books, as it gets "to the heart and soul of what it takes to run a truly successful business in modern times," providing "actionable ideas to help the reader" create a business that "uplifts people, delights customers and creates sustainable profitability and success."

Gillett continues to inspire the integration of nobility into business strategy through his consulting business, publications, and speaking engagements. Gillett speaks to corporations and organizations about topics such as improving leadership, creating sustainable competitive advantage, managing human capital and socially-responsive businesses.
The Western business world is so Mind-centered and Action oriented, that it does not even see the Heart, steadily at work building and fueling great companies.
 Last year Mr. Gillett spoke at an international business conference on "Profits and Social Values: Closing the Gap," sponsored by Fundação Dom Cabral, a renowned Brazilian business school. This year Gillett published "The INVISIBLE HEART: Want Great Performance? Then Call Forth the Great Hidden Resource in Business - the Human Heart" in the school's management magazine. "The INVISIBLE HEART" details Gillett's discovery that when "heart" is integrated into business practices great results follow. The article also shows how businesses and individuals can integrate heart into their lives.

 Gillett is currently working with colleagues Ken Bardach, Bill Catucci, and Karen Jeisi to create a "Leadership Guidebook" for Noble Leaders. You can learn more about Noble Enterprise at the Noble Advisors website, where you can find information about Gillett's speaking engagements, Noble publications, and consulting. Noble Enterprise is available in paperback and for Kindle at Amazon & Barnes & Noble online.

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